Category: Creativity

13 Great Ways To Make Money Writing

So you’ve been writing for a while. You’ve paid your dues. You’ve had your fair share of posts that just haven’t exploded like you thought they would. So how the heck do you start getting paid for your writing? I get it. Seriously, I know your pain. I was there, just a few years ago. It still feels like yesterday.…

Don’t Worry About Platform. (Focus On THIS Instead.)

Over the last few years, there has been an unhealthy obsession with platform building. No matter if you are big or small, it seems like everyone assumes that “you need a platform” or that you need “to grow your platform.” But the truth is you don’t. Not at all. You don’t need your own self-hosted website. You don’t need to…

Why Every Writer Needs A Team

As a writer, hours are spent on a lonely canvas spilling out your thoughts, hopes, dreams, and stories. Some aspects of writing are very isolated, but the truth is, you are in the storytelling business. No business succeeds with just one person. Steve Jobs built Apple around this concept. Stephen King would be the first to tell you he’d be nowhere…

What Do You Do When Your Best Sucks?

You poured in your best effort and the results aren’t pretty. You’re covered in bruises, but the end results are less than stellar. You’re tired and frustrated. Your morale is down, and you are questioning everything. So what do you do when your best isn’t good enough? Stop beating yourself up. Pain and difficulty are a part of ALL good…