by jimwoods | Aug 23, 2018 | Creativity, Story Craft, Uncategorized, Writing
You know there is an unfinished book hiding on your computer’s hard drive. Every now and then you see it sitting there. You may even open it up for a minute. Then feelings of guilt come crashing down on you like a ton of bricks. I quit. I’m a...
by jimwoods | Aug 24, 2017 | Creativity, Writing
You start a new adventure and you look up and years have flown by. Well, now that I’ve been writing full-time for three and a half years, I thought I would share a few things I’ve learned while in the writing trenches. A few of these lessons are really...
by jimwoods | Feb 18, 2016 | Creativity, Writing
Over the last few years, there has been an unhealthy obsession with platform building. No matter if you are big or small, it seems like everyone assumes that “you need a platform” or that you need “to grow your platform.” But the truth is you don’t. Not at all. You...
by jimwoods | Jul 24, 2014 | Creativity, Writing
As a writer, hours are spent on a lonely canvas spilling out your thoughts, hopes, dreams, and stories. Some aspects of writing are very isolated, but the truth is, you are in the storytelling business. No business succeeds with just one person. Steve Jobs built Apple...
by jimwoods | May 20, 2014 | Creativity, Goals
You poured in your best effort and the results aren’t pretty. You’re covered in bruises, but the end results are less than stellar. You’re tired and frustrated. Your morale is down, and you are questioning everything. So what do you do when your best...
by jimwoods | Oct 29, 2013 | Creativity
Put the book* down. Yeah, you. It’s a bad idea. But I’m learning you say. It’s time to apply what you’ve already learned. But I’m a writer you say. And Stephen King says, “if you want to be a writer, you gotta read A...